kohuke, thermal shock and Jamison

How nice is it to receive a visit from friends in a cold Friday night! This is what happened to me last Friday, so I could only meet them with kohuke at the bus station. Marcel, Miki and Luca, three other volunteers in Estonia decided to explore the Far East. And the Far East a.k.a FE had something to offer :)
It was so cold on Saturday that the hot Italian had a thermal shock. Note: now I understand the point of bringing a small bottle with you, just in case. Should start doing it.
Two unexpected finds: a herbal liqueur Herbert or Герберт, хъхъхъ, and a medieval/high-tech knight tournament in Narva castle.
The visit was full of experience apart from the thermal shock. There was a cultural shock as well; an unexpected/unwanted treat with good ol'Jamison from a neighbour in a bar; some great food (Italian) and sweet talk. Did I mention the kohuke? :)
the visit is over now, new week is starting, I'll have my first language cafe tonight and to be honest, I am nervous a little. What was that with the open space? Whatever happens is the right thing to happen!

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